Community > Posts By > oldkid46

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/25/20 06:59 AM
When I think of "minimum wage" I think in terms of what the prevailing local minimum wage is that an employer has to pay to get a starting worker who can actually work. It varies all over the country and it is mostly a demand vs availability thing. There is a difference between urban and rural as well as the local high school graduation rate. Where I am in Minnesota it is around $13/hour, here in Arkansas where I currently am it is more in the $8-9 range. Less jobs and more workers. The idea of a national minimum wage needs to significantly change and actually be based on geographic regions. One size fits all just doesn't work anymore.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 02/24/20 08:09 PM

NO, I am not happy or satisfied with my life as it is. It would seem a major change is in order for my future.

Hi oldkid waving
Do you have a plan?
Can't make them yet, have a couple of things from in the past that I need to finish up before I can look at a new direction. Hope to have those mostly resolved by fall. I expect another difficult summer.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 02/24/20 06:17 PM
NO, I am not happy or satisfied with my life as it is. It would seem a major change is in order for my future.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 02/24/20 07:46 AM
There is no "ALL" for any group. In some situations there are a few, in others, many but never all. The only "all" you may be seeing is who are in your inbox!!

oldkid46's photo
Mon 02/24/20 07:18 AM

Do women find it kinky if a man likes to wear thongs

Thongs! pfft Why not wear something adventurous pitchfork like satin panties love I wouldn't judge but then again I am uniquely different winking
I'm sure most of the women on her would have a very strong opinion of seeing such a thing!! Hey guys, just don't steal your girls panties, go buy your own!!!

oldkid46's photo
Sun 02/23/20 08:30 PM
I'm assuming the full quote is "it takes a village to raise a child" It had nothing to do with taking anything from anyone, it was about the idea that many people are willing to give of themselves when needed and the examples their lives show to a child. Most people are willing to give of themselves especially when it comes to children. It may be something as simple as tossing a ball with some child or mentoring a child in school. It might be something much more as in setting up a local school scholarship or paying for a child's medical care. There is no government involvement or mandate only people giving to others because they want to.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 02/23/20 12:13 PM
Inability or unwillingness to make a decision and then carry it out.
constantly babble but say nothing
can't read, write, or comprehend
poor hygiene
always complaining, especially the "poor me"
lazy - get by with the least amount of effort

oldkid46's photo
Sun 02/23/20 11:58 AM

Maybe women wouldn't but I would dear and my very good friend Dino would be absolutely cockahoop to see you in a pair blushing

laugh laugh

My osteopath told me the other day she once had a bloke turn up in thongs and she requested him to wear normal underwear next time.
He was kind of surprised, but let's face it, it's a bit too much information.
I said to her "Yes, it makes the lunch packet stand out a wee bit too much, there's nothing then suddenly this lump at the front."
She couldn't stop laughing and agreed.
Please explain how a thong which I believe leaves the butt cheeks uncovered would change the shape of what is on the front side anymore than other underwear?

Try one and look in the mirror
looks no different than any other underwear from the front unless you are thinking of boxers which provide 0 support for the essentials. I guess boxers would show less of a man since his essentials are just hanging there. If you are going to wear boxers, you might as well save the money and go without, same amount of support.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 02/23/20 07:55 AM
Some of the greatest minds in the country also are smart enough to know politics is not something they want to enter and have their lives ruined!! No matter what you do, a substantial portion of the country will hate you and want to destroy you. The higher you get in politics, the worse the hate.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 02/23/20 07:49 AM
Several comments here: For many years local schools only went through the 8th grade. If you wanted to go to school beyond that, you generally had to go out of the area you lived in to attend school beyond 8th grade. In later years it was decided to increase to 12th grade at local schools and expand the educational opportunities locally. If you recall, at one time high school was generally a separate, stand alone school in the larger community and many people still didn't complete a high school education. Today, our schools in many communities are not doing an adequate job of teaching even through the 12th grade. We have to change that result before we try and expand an education after that.

Part of that problem comes with teaching the basics such as reading and comprehension. Also there seems to be a knowledge deficit with basic math and science. Schools want to push everything else but the basics. They also have stopped teaching the basic skills needed for beginning employment - too much emphasis on college, not enough on everyday tasks. In many places, there are still too many students who can't even manage to complete 12 years and actually learn what little is provided.

After we figure out how to get a successful education out of 12 years, we will need to eventually add 2 more years but we will need to look at the old European idea of establishing different educational paths for the students. That is part of the problem with high school today - the push that all students should go to college after high school. While that is the right direction for many students, it leaves many more with no suitable direction. We need to remember there are many career choices where a 1-2 year vocational education prepares them for a successful career.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 02/23/20 07:18 AM

Maybe women wouldn't but I would dear and my very good friend Dino would be absolutely cockahoop to see you in a pair blushing

laugh laugh

My osteopath told me the other day she once had a bloke turn up in thongs and she requested him to wear normal underwear next time.
He was kind of surprised, but let's face it, it's a bit too much information.
I said to her "Yes, it makes the lunch packet stand out a wee bit too much, there's nothing then suddenly this lump at the front."
She couldn't stop laughing and agreed.
Please explain how a thong which I believe leaves the butt cheeks uncovered would change the shape of what is on the front side anymore than other underwear?

oldkid46's photo
Sat 02/22/20 10:23 AM
If I take Msh definition of socialism "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole" then I cannot support the idea of socialism. Taking some of the proceeds from that effort is necessary but that control over the means (such as nationalizing a company or sector) is not acceptable!! A number of countries have tried that with disastrous results.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 02/22/20 10:16 AM
The big debate and part of the 2020 election is where to draw that line between capitalism and socialism. Most of us realize in reality that some of both are required to have sustainable economic success and a stable society. We have seen countries be destroyed by excess socialism and we have seen governments overthrown for too much capitalism. A certain amount of socialism is necessary within a capitalistic society to provide for those who are not physically or mentally capable of providing for themselves. Providing that support for certain groups is what we expect of our government. What we don't expect or accept is when government taxes us to help support those who are capable but unwilling to support themselves and their families.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 02/22/20 09:57 AM

The Russians started the "Demoralization Program" in the United States back in 1965 which was the start. Between 2014-16 is when the Socialist gained enough influence for the takeover. 2017 until now they've just been salifing their position. Now the Socialist are pushing laws to break the government system so they can have a full takeover.

Figured you'd want a better answer then I gave. :wink:

I still do not see why that is a 'democrat' issue. Firstly, the 60s had their own issues of morals going on without any type of 'intervention'. Secondly the Russian influence seems, to me, to be happening with the cooperation of the current Republican POTUS.

The Russian or other nation's interests are not specific to either of our main political parties. The purpose seems to be to cause confusion and division within our political process. Obviously most foreign countries have a self-interest in who our political leaders will be. Additionally, there are specific groups within our country that have agendas best served by a certain political leader. There are also individuals who blog and post divisive statements purely to get "clicks" and make advertising dollars from it. Both the foreign and domestic interference aims to cause that continued confusion and doubt within our political systems and many Americans are receptive to those efforts. You see some of that on here with the what some people post.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 02/22/20 09:43 AM

I am a democrat who did not get the memo. What conversion and when did it happen?

When did they start calling the Democratic Party "Democratic Socialists?"

Last time I voted, I saw no such box. There has always been a 'they' and 'they' say a lot of things about other people,

The party has not yet changed their name although a number of members have called themselves democratic socialists and a number more seem to support socialist beliefs.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 02/20/20 12:43 PM
Email today reflects the use of smart phones and an inability to actually make understandable communications. I can't read your mind and understand when you make a one or two word statements.

I find that many, when they talk on the phone, just babble and can't actually say anything useful. A phone conversation over 10 - 15 minutes most of the time is just you listening to yourself talk. Often times it is the same when meeting in person. I want to learn about you and share my thoughts but often times it is like listening to someone in the bar telling stories, all BS and no substance. There is nothing wrong with spending time with someone yet not constantly talking; sometimes silence is golden!!

oldkid46's photo
Thu 02/20/20 09:53 AM
It does depend on the distance. If they are within an easy driving distance, 1 to 2 weeks. If it is a considerable distance, say more than 50 miles, it may be a month or more before I am in that area again. I generally prefer sooner than later!

oldkid46's photo
Wed 02/19/20 12:14 PM

which is also part of how that score is generated
Yes, part of the calculation is your debt capacity based on your income versus how much of that capacity you currently are using. My current credit score is somewhat reduced because of my income and my current mortgage I am carrying. When I sell the mortgaged property and pay off the mortgage, my credit score will increase.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 02/19/20 08:27 AM

If you're not responsible for your own education, why would you be responsible with other people's money?

Because of their nature of being a payment for Use as it is used. Whereas loans for school are FUTURE payments for something predicted to be used, but often not useful after all.

So they shouldn't expect people in medicine going for their doctorate - be physicians?
People studying law, be attorneys? They are receiving the education for purely just having knowledge? Then they shouldn't be getting loans at all. They should be buying what they can afford with the career they chose. Or get a bank loan or line of credit to do so. Either way, it will amount to a regular loan. At least with the latter idea , you can file for bankruptcy.

They shouldn't allow history with student loan payments to be used as an accurate reflection of responsibility towards pay as you go services, like rent, utility, or car notes.

Why not - is it not important to know?

Not when considering credit, no, unless it is a complimentary listing for informative only and not counted to the rating of your credit.

If you owe money on a student loan it should be on your credit rating because you owe that money, the amount you make is reduced by the amount of your payment every month so you have less resources to pay back the debt of another loan. The people loaning you money have every right to know that you have less money available every month to pay your loan back. And just because someone has an education does not mean they make more money or that they are smart with their money, it usually means they have worked at a job less, and if they defer their student loan debt at all that should lower their credit score even more because clearly they aren't capable if paying their debts back.

You miss the point. If ALL That is being considered is a score, that is NOT an indicator of how you pay your BILLS, which are different than loans.

IF a person has no history of missing their car notes, rent, utitilies or other ongoing MONTHLY Expenses, that is more of an indicator that they pay their monthly bills than if they have outstanding LOANS.
It is not about having outstanding student loans, it is if you are currently making your student loan payments. Failure to take responsibility for student loans is no different than not making your car loan payment other than you are motivated to make car payments if you want to keep the car. The student loan system needs lots of improvements but it is still a debt someone took on and is responsible for.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 02/19/20 08:18 AM
A combination of age, lifestyle, travel, and scarcity of what I'm looking for.

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